The origins, lyrics and meaning of this nursery rhyme had a moral theme

"A Nursery Rhyme,
the first step to
your children's education"

Ding dong bell: lyrics with a moral?

Nursery Rhyme lyrics with a moral theme
The origins of this nursery rhyme date back to the 16th century. Shakespeare uses the phrase in the Tempest - Act I, Scene II:
"Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! Now I hear them - Ding, dong, bell."
The lyrics were used to encourage a child to understand that it was unacceptable and cruel to harm any animal that had done no harm. Teaching morality at an early age. Introducing a child to onomatopoeia ( a word that sounds like its meaning) In this nursery rhyme the lyrics and words "ding dong"  when pronounced 
convey the actual sounds!


Ding dong bell, pussy's in the well
Who put her in? Little Johnny Flynn
Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout
What a naughty boy was that, try to drown poor Pussycat,
Who ne'er did any harm
But killed all the mice in the Farmer's barn!

Ding dong bell rhyme: origins and history